Fast Decluttering Mini-Projects

by Lindsay Merrell

Heading into the holiday season and getting ready to settle into the rhythm of a new year (how is it here already?!), it’s the perfect time to declutter. Even though you probably don’t have the time to dedicate to a whole house declutter, you can make real headway with a few minutes here and there each day. Set a timer, put on some holiday music and try one of these fast decluttering mini-projects.


Go through all your storage containers, to go containers, and throw out any that are cracked, melted, or otherwise unusable. Additionally, throw out any lids or containers that don’t have a mate. Check the expiration dates of the condiments sitting in the door of your fridge, and throw that mayo out that’s older than the Queen of England. Take an inventory of the utensil drawer and get rid of any utensils that are past their prime.  


Tackle your shower and get rid of any products that are expired or that you just don’t use. If you haven’t used it in the last 6 months, throw it out. Bathrooms are generally scarce on storage, so you don’t want to waste any of your space storing an unused body scrub you got at a white elephant party. Next, go through your medicine cabinet, purse, and/or makeup bag and get rid of any expired medications, products, and old makeup. Also, throw out that nasty mint at the bottom of your bag (no one wants that). 

Laundry Room

Have you looked at your laundry room shelves recently? No? Well, there’s probably an old, used up bottle of detergent or fabric softener hanging around up there. No shame, everyone has one. Now’s your chance to get rid of it. Do you have a pile of socks that are missing their mate? If you haven’t found it in 3 months, it’s not going to show up, empty that pile of socks. 


You probably have a table or an area on the counter where you put things after you get home. Go through this area and get rid of any loose papers, old magazines, or random junk. Bonus task: go through the keys laying around to make sure you still need all of them.  

With just a few minutes, you can make a big difference in the feel of your home. Finding the motivation to declutter is difficult, but once you do it, you’ll feel lighter. And when you break decluttering into mini-projects, it makes the task much more manageable. 

And of course, decluttering is one of the first steps in getting your home prepped for a sale. If you want to get started with the rest of the home selling process, send us an email or call us!


Lindsay Merrell

+1(443) 987-0058

